I know the time is close where people are wanting to put a deposit on puppies or want to get their children puppies, but I asked you to really think about that. It should be a life commitment. I know come March June in those areas. I’ll be seeing as saying, my child won’t take care of the puppy so I’m getting rid of it, it’s not the puppies fault but a puppy for you on a whim buying your kid a puppy please don’t do it. Don’t put a puppy in a situation. It gets used to a new family and then you decide because your kid won’t take it out or won’t feed it. You’re gonna get rid of it. It’s not fair to the animal puppy kitten whatever it may be it should be a lifetime commitment, I mean, do you go get rid of your kids cause you’re tired of taking care of them or changing their diapers then think twice about getting an animal for Christmas a large presentable will be taken to the pound given away resold. Please think about it. You’re looking at anywhere from a 10 to 20 year commitment if you’re not wanting to give that don’t get a puppy or a kitten this year for Christmas.
Posted in: Pets.
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